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Cogent Security Consulting - Advanced Programs Cloud Services

Advanced Programs Cloud Services

One-stop solution for sandboxing, securing, deploying, and maintaining FISMA Moderate and Low applications and approved for UCNI level data hosting.

Accredited: Enterprise Authority to Operate (ATO) from National Nuclear Security Administration - 2022

Powerful: Infrastructure and Security as a Service (IaaS/SaaS) for Government, leveraging Amazon Web Services

Secure: Centralized model, authorized to host Controlled Unclassified Information within APCS boundary

Modern: Deploy state-of-the-art applications using popular frameworks (e.g., react.js, vue.js, AngularJS, PHP, etc.)

Efficient: Configure your Virtual Private Cloud and authentication platform so developers can focus on code

Scalable: Elastic load balancers available and built-in

Fast: Deploy new applications within 30-days, without lengthy federal approval process

Compliant: Review and reporting included with service

Simple: Knowledgeable support staff assist with setup

Affordable: Scalable pricing for deployment and maintenance

Email for more information.

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