NA-70 Associate Administrator and Chief of Defense Nuclear Security, Mr. Lewis Monroe, visited Pantex Plant to dedicate Firing Range #6 to Mr. Randy Dean Putt on July 19, 2024. Mr. Monroe was joined by family, friends, and co-workers to honor Mr. Putt in a ceremony that outlined his 30+ years of dedicated service to NNSA and DOE. Mr. Monroe was joined by Pantex Field Office Manager, Mr. Jason Armstrong, Pantex Plant Site Manager, Mr. Colby Yeary, colleagues, and Granddaughter Ms. Bella Guerin to conduct the ceremony before unveiling the dedication plaque.
Randy Putt dedicated his entire professional career to serving our nation through various roles. He served as a special response team leader, range master, and training manager, demonstrating his commitment to service to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).
As training manager for Pantex Safeguards and Security Protective Force Operations (ProForce), Putt made significant contributions that continue to positively impact our site today. Following an unsatisfactory evaluation of the program in 2009, he revamped the entire ProForce training program. Putt led his team of instructors through a 10-month training regimen that produced a best-in-class training course. As a result, the ProForce unit successfully passed every assessment measure with zero findings during the 2010 Office of Independent Oversight inspection.
Putt’s renovation of the Pantex Tactical Training Facility’s firearms training simulator garnered national recognition. In 2011, he earned the Association for Talent Development’s American Society of Training Development Award. Additionally, his diligence and business acumen saved the ProForce nearly $4 million while delivering innovative simulation capabilities.
Randy Putt’s contributions over his 30 years of service to DOE and NNSA cannot be overstated. His presence remains evident in the readiness and preparedness of ProForce teams across the Nuclear Security Enterprise.

Figure 1. Mr. Randy Putt Dedication; Left to Right, Jason Armstrong, Colby Yeary, Anthony Rodriguez, Grace Rose Rodriguez, Hope Rodriguez, Rose Putt, Brandy Putt, Mira Bella Guerin, Lew Monroe, Clay Whitchurch, and Justen Parker

Figure 1. Jeff leads the Dedication Ceremony

Figure 1. Lew addresses the audience for the Dedication